Sunday, January 18, 2009

Day Six

Day Six started out with a late start and groggy brains
Josh and I lounged about for a bit with morning coffee and some bad tv. The kitties seemed pretty happy to have some couch loving time.

Josh's mom sent him a back to school care package that included some amazing bananna bread.

We headed up to Sultans Market for dinner before we dropped of Travers to his Dj gig at Club Foot.
Josh had the Vegitarian Platter

Travers had a Falafel sandwich

I was a glutton and had Lentil Soup and a Falafel Sandwich

Oh Sultans Market how i love thee...

Josh and I headed up to Ronnie's to see our friends band Electric Desert. Ronnie's ladies room is covered in PBR cans. That's pretty much the classiest thing about the place.

They also have free peanuts and nachos.

Day Six was full of friends, laughter, food, chit-chatting, planning free outings with fellow unemployed friends, planning the next big art adventure, telling stories, getting to know new faces, hugs, running into x's and some major dissapointments and misunderstandings. The night ended with Tina Turner on the radio while sharing hopes and dreams over a cocktail with Josh and Travers.

Friday, January 16, 2009

Day Five

It was only negative 10 with the windchill....YAY!!

An excursion to the Post office, bank and target were in order!!!
I got a money order for $6.60

I bundled up for the wintery warm up

I take the best pictures...maybe my photography skills will get better one day

My neighborhood post office always makes me want to watch Twin Peaks.

Chicago in the wintertime

Snow mound the size of an SUV

One of my favorite trees near the Post Office. It's leaves remain on all year long.

This is the what people on the "Nort' Side" of Chicago do to save their shoveled out parking spots.
Lion's Gate!

Today was all about chit chatting on the phone. Heard some good news, some bad and some horrible. What a god damn year it's already been and it's only 16 days into it. Hopefully good mojo will come our way after inauguration day!!!

Day Four

Josh to the rescue!!

Morning coffee and cigarettes with the lovely Josh! I even made us a delicious pancake breakfast! Hell Yeah!!!

Received some news in the mail. Not exceptional, but it will definitely help!
Todays weather negative 3, with the windchill it feels like negative 23. Yet another day indoors! I am soooooooo experiencing cabin fever!

Sorting out art orders for a couple of stores!! Trying to figure out what goes where.

Priority boxes came in the mail!!! Yipee!

Something didn't find it's way and was returned to sender :(

Eric saved the day and ordered pizza for dinner!

GirlWithAHook made these! Check her out on Etsy! She makes the best hats...EVER!!!

Neighbor Wolf Wolf.

....and the job search continues.
I think if it doesn't warm up by next week i may have a peg bundy day and sit around the house in my kimono drinking cocktails and eating bon bons.
want to come over and play dress up and paint our nails?
someone please give me a job.

Day Three

Day three was completely unproductive. I slacked on taking pictures and painting. I think the dead of winter prevailed and the reality of being unemployed set in. Jesus Christ!

Icicles forming on the inside of my window, perfectly sums up day three.

reflections in melted candle wax.

...and Betta Max living happily and blurry in his heat controlled world.

what can i say, pure and utter boredom. I wish I could relax and enjoy the time off. How can I with no knowledge of how I am going to maintain a roof over my head? If it was at least 15 degrees out I would be able to get outside and get my mind off of things.

Still no responses to any jobs I applied for. The economy is seriously the worst!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Day Two

Day two was just as cold, if not colder than day one. So adventuring outdoors was pretty minimal, since I don't have much cash and have no idea when Unemployment kicks in. It started with coffee and a cigarette.

Then I bundled up and attempted the task of shoveling out and clearing off my car. I figured to tackle this because only more snow was on its way, which would mean it would only be that much more difficult tomorrow. I didn't take a picture of what it looked like at first, because the moment I stepped outside two mormon teens approached me and started talking to me about family values, the Bible and church until I was able to kindly let them leave me to the task at hand.

Frankenhands at the wheel

I took a walk around the neighborhood, it didn't last long because I was loosing the feeling in my legs it was so damn cold! Stretch jeans are not made for planet Hoth!

Back inside while warming up my frozen body, I think Boris was trying to tell me something...

I was trying to created my own 360 degree mirror. Sorry, Stacy and Clinton...I'm just not as cool as you guys are.

I'll leave you guys with monster trucks and hearts....

Monday, January 12, 2009

Day One

Day one started out with fun filled hopes...but when you have to watch the $57 dollars in your bank account, even stepping outside seems like it would be more expensive than it's worth. Chicago is under a blanket of snow and it's still snowing, we are actually under a blizzard warning. So even though I started the day searching for adventure... money and the elements were against me.

After showering and getting ready for the outdoors..
I noticed the state of my car and didn't feel like shoveling it out. Mainly because I didn't really have to for the first time in my life. Which is pretty damn amazing! I know it's only going to be worse tomorrow morning, but the slacker in me prevailed and I decided to spend a blustery winter day indoors.I brewed some coffee

washed some dishes

woke up some cranky cats

Eric's present came in the mail! A Ginger Snaps necklace from the Caravan!

I also got another package in the mail from LoreLuna! Her family suffered a tragic loss and once I heard the story I went and odered a few of her soaps and tea in order to try and support someone exceptionally creative make ends meet during one hell of a horrible time.

I made a little sacred heart painting

Now i am watching

and about to tackle this

Sorry that day one wasn't that interesting. Hopefully tomorrow I'll make it to the free day at the Art Institute. Hopefully that blank canvas above will have turned into something worth coming back tomorrow to see.

until tomorrow....
